We are very sad to inform you of the passing of Almarhoum Basem Salim Eid (Abou Eid).
Mr. Eid passed away on Saturday, January 11,2025 in Toronto Ontario Canada. He was 88 years old.

His children are:
Eid, Salim, Tarek, Sanaa, Wafaa married to Wissam Elmasri, and Rajaa.
His brothers are:
Yasser married to Hayfa Kabboul, Zaher married to Odette Halabi, the late Afifi, and the late Ghanem.
His sisters are:
The late Safa wife of the late Jamil Elawar,
Anwar wife of the late Salim Abou Hamdan,
Dora married to Raif Aboutarieh,
Donia wife of the late Rafic Elsayegh,
Nora married to Raki Eid,
Nada married to Jihad Nasrallah.

The viewing will take place on Thursday, January 16,2025 from 5pm to 8pm and the funeral on
Friday, January 17,2025 from 10am to 11am (prayer at 11:00am) at:
Highland Funeral Home
3280 Sheppard Ave E, Scarborough, ON M1T 3K3

The burial will take place on Friday, January 17,2025 at:
Highland Memory Gardens
33 Memory Gardens Ln, North York, ON M2H 3C8

For condolences over the phone please call:
Yasser Eid (289) 200-2369
Zaher Eid (416) 505-6599
Maher Eid (416) 723-5507

Allah Yerhamo

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Al3awad Besalamatikom Almarhoum Basem Salim Eid (Abou Eid)

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