We would like to inform you of a CDS partnership with basicFunerals, a low-cost funeral home dedicated to offering personalized, affordable funeral options. This collaboration, led by the CDS Funeral Committee, is designed to provide support to our community during life’s most challenging times.

The partnership will offer unique discounted services for the CDS community, for families that prefer an alternative to the typical funeral home options.

The funeral packages can be adapted for the family’s needs.

A customized example would be opting out of a funeral home viewing, allowing the family to inter their loved one in dignity, with the grave-side Druze prayer service, followed by the funeral reception تعازي at the CDS hall, (or other location preferred by the family).

For more information about basicFunerals and the services they offer, please visit their website linked below: www.basicfunerals.ca/

If you have any questions, please contact the CDS at 416-439-3976 or email toronto@druze.net (mailto:toronto@druze.net) with your contact information and a funeral committee member will connect with you directly.

May you all be blessed with a long and healthy life.

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New Partnership with Funeral Home and Funeral Options

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