
You Can Make a Difference in Your Community

The demand for cultural activities and programming in Canada is constantly increasing. The challenge facing the Canadian Druze Society is to raise the funds necessary to continue meeting the growing needs of our community while maintaining the highest quality of programs and services, operations and maintenance of the facility.

A certified tax receipt will be provided for all donations of $50 or more.

Investing in the Future

Become a Volunteer

There are many volunteer opportunities available at the CDS throughout the year. These positions include helping at conventions, picnics, children's programs, heritage-related programs, the CDS Library and many more.

Give Online

You can donate to our charity through safe and trusted website

How You Can Help

The CDS was established to ensure that the Canadian Druze Society's unique programs, services and facility continue to thrive long into the future. To date, the CDS has benefited from the generosity of individuals who have left bequests in their estates. Please contact us to find out more about how you can leave a legacy and play a role in the future of the Canadian Druze Society.