Join the Community

Our more than 3,000 members serve as the backbone of the Canadian Druze Cultural Centre. By being a member of the Canadian Druze Society (CDS), you become a crucial part in helping preserve Canadian Druze culture and history for generations to come.​With a CDS membership you are eligible to register for cultural classes, participate in workshops and events at a discounted rate, and many more.

Discount on to CDS events
Enjoy discounts to our many social events including: Breakfasts, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day, Adha Party, and New Years
Discount on Rental of Community Centre
Members can rent the CDS venue for a discounted rate.
Discount on Summer Camps
For planned Children Summer Camps, members are given first priority to access the service and at a discounted rate.
Funeral Service Support
Members get a discounted rate to use the CDS Community Centre for Funeral Receptions.

Individual Membership

$ 60

/ year

Covers One Person

Family Membership

$ 120

/ year

Covers One Household