It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Almarhouma (Em Jamal) Nazira Najib Sobh.
Almarhouma (Em Jamal) passed away on Thursday, February 15,2024 in Aley Lebanon. She was 86 years old.
Her children are:
Jamal Najib Abou Akar married to May Aridi (647) 674-1305
Linda Najib Abou Akar married to Adnan Elmasri (289) 923-7303
Ben Najib Abou Akar married to Lodi Alali (416) 568-9944
Hiam Najib Abou Akar married to Dr. Nabil Ahmadieh 01196170847130
Adnan Elmasri her son in law (289) 980-3690
The family will be accepting condolences on Wednesday, February 21,2024 from 6-8 pm at The Druze House located at:
898 Markham Road
Toronto On. M1H 2Y2
Allah Yerhama

العوض بسلامتكم
انا لله وانا اليه راجعون

Al3awad Besalamatikom Almarhouma Nazira Najib Sobh (Em Jamal)

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